Youth & Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry exists at Pleasant Valley to facilitate faith in God and relationships with each other and the congregation.
Students (7th-12th grades) are encouraged not only to learn about God (Bible Class, Devotionals, SYS, CYC, Lads to Leaders, etc.) but engage in worship and live as servants. Christ modeled the life of a servant leader, and we are prayerfully hoping our students will mimic his devotion and lifestyle.
Children at Pleasant Valley are guided in their understanding of and belief in God through pew packers, Bible class and fun get togethers. We are excited about our children's ministry and prayerful hoping each child is drawn closer to God.
Michael Cagle - Youth Group Coordinating Elder
Jade Keeton - Youth Group Aged 2 years to 6th grade
Mitch Holden - Youth Group Aged 7th to 12th Grade
We are active and growing and would love for you and your family to actively grow with us!